A new Vipedia for Akzo Nobel

Early in November we installed a Vipedia based system for one of Stanley Security Solutions clients, Akzo Nobel Packaging Coatings Ltd.

The exisitng system, some twenty years old, comprised of a Baldwin Boxall Adept A240 modular mixer amplifier and slave. Both were showing signs of their age. The output stages of both amplifiers must have been failing. All of the volume controls were at maximum. The treble control was also at maximum!

We replaced the existing system with an ASL Vipedia-12 audio router and a Cloud CA4250 amplifier. By using the extensive DSP features of the Vipedia the new system provides loud and clear broadcasts across the site.

Vipedia Audio Router

Find out more about our PA Systems here.

Stanley Security Solutions ASL-Control

Title Image: Akzo Nobel Packaging Coating, Adderley Works, formerly Arthur Holden & Sons Ltd.
cc-by-sa/2.0 – © Peter Whatleygeograph.org.uk/p/2331384