PAVA System for The Darwin Centre

We have just completed the installation of an ASL/Zenitel Integra-05 PAVA System at The Darwin in Shrewsbury.

Incentive FM made contact with us back in February 2022 asking for a maintenance visit to inspect the PAVA system at the Darwin Shopping Centre.

The system was found to date back to 1989. Consequently, we could not provide any long-term maintenance on the system. It was definately in need of replacement.

ASL’s wall mounted Integra range of PAVA systems would offer a simple ‘out of the box’ solution. No complex design or rack build required. Simply take it out of the box, screw it to the wall, connect it up and its ready to commission.

We submitted a budgetary quotation for replacement of the voice alarm equipment and two months later received the order.

it’s the best quote we have had so far

Unfortunately, around this time global component supply shortages began to effect the manufacture of the Integra equipment. This severely impacted the delivery date and pushed the planned install date back by a year.

I would like to thank the site staff at Incentive FM and the management team at The Darwin for their patience.

You can find out more about our PAVA Systems here.